abc channel 7 — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


abc channel 7

Anne's Pet Portrait Debut on 190 North....Watch the Live Podcast!

Collectors Corner, Pet Portraits, Press & Published ..., VideoAnne Leuck1 Comment
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Check out our fun feature from ABC Channel 7's 190 North Television Show! It turned out great thanks to the wonderful interviews with my customers  and their pets (Cris & Kaaren & Tango and Sarah & Bear), and all the great folks and camera crew at 190 North, thank you Janet & Holly!! Sadly, Bear, the sweet Bernese Mountain Dog in the segment passed away a few weeks honored to have created his portrait and that he's also immortalized on film. He was beloved by everyone in the neighborhood.

Please contact me if you are ready to order a Pet Portrait!

The other wonderful part of this feature, it aired the night before my 44th birthday...a lovely gift!

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